Public Information

Dues information

The current annual dues are $450.00 a year and are due on January 1.

A 10% late charge will be assessed on any past due amount after January 10.

Any past due amount after March 1 will be referred to a collection agency and/or a lien will be placed on the property.  All collection and legal expenses incurred will be the responsibility of the homeowner.  All homeowner privileges, including voting rights, are suspended until dues are paid current. Please refer to the CC&R's for details.

Make a Payment

Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions

Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions Concord Crossing Homeowners Association, Inc as well as City Ordinances & Regulations.

Concord Crossing PLATS

Concord Crossing Subdivision PLATS

The complete set of PLATS for Concord Crossing in PDF format obtained by the City of Brentwood (Sept 2019)


Complaint Submission Form

If you find an owner that is violating the covenants, try talking to the owner first to resolve the problem. If the problem persists, and you would like to involve the Board, please complete this form specifically stating the violation, including the Article and Section of the CC&Rs that is being violated, and submit it to the board member listed on the form.

Download Complaint Form [PDF, 168kb]
Nolensville Elementary School is part of the Williamson County School District in Middle Tennessee.


Concord Crossing falls under Williamson County Schools (WCS), a leading academic district in Tennessee with about 42,000 students from Pre-K to 12th grade for the 2023-2024 year. WCS, with its 52 schools—including 11 high schools, 11 middle schools, 29 elementary schools, and one K-8 school—tops state academic rankings. The district's 2023 graduates achieved an ACT composite score of 24.7, surpassing the state average of 19.0.

Williamson County Schools
Emerald Ash Borer Epidemic in Nashville

Emerald Ash Borer

The Tennessee Department of Agriculture has found the Emerald Ash Borer, an invasive insect that destroys ash trees, in Davidson County. The Emerald Ash Borer is attacking all species of North American ash trees and will kill them all unless treated. No ash tree is immune to the devastating effects of this insect which has been in Davidson County since 2014.

Nashville Emerald Ash Borer Information
City of Brentwood Crest
City of Brentwood Crest

Crime Prevention

It is really important that we look out for one another. Please let someone know if you are out of town. If you see anything that you question do not hesitate to call police non emergency 615-371-0160. They will always come and check things out.

Crime Prevention Tips
Photo by Marian Florinel Condruz on Unsplash

Services & Utilities

Explore our Services & Utilities page for contact details and information about vetted vendors offering a range of essential home services and utilities tailored to the needs of Concord Crossing residents.

List of Services & Utilities